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Serving up insights into rising tech challenges.



The rapid advancements in tech and AI can’t be ignored. OneAdvanced wanted to lead the charge by creating an engaging and insightful report that delivered first-hand insights from business leaders on their response to big shifts in these areas.


Kicking off at Birmingham Tech Week, we created a comprehensive comms plan and supporting assets to promote the report with customers and prospects.


How do you prove to current and prospective customers that you're really at the forefront of what's going on in tech? By serving up fresh insights from over 6,600 industry peers across pivotal industry sectors.


The report ‘OneAdvanced Annual Business Trends Report – AI Rising: Business in the Artificial Intelligence Boom’ explored key findings on workforce, technology, sustainability, diversity, equality & inclusion, and leadership and how businesses are navigating these areas.

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We helped position OneAdvanced as a thought leader by creating, launching and promoting the report through social channels, emails, video content and infographics. We also empowered the sales teams through a range of sales enablement assets.

The feedback on the reports from the wider sector teams including sales has been amazing, everyone is generally much more engaged with the reports than they ever have been before.


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+44 (0) 203 1377034

Unit 2 Dunheved Rd, Pennygillam Way, Pennygillam Industrial Estate, Launceston, PL15 7ED

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